
Educational ipython source code for applied thermodynamics.

Get going with jupyter notebook

In order to be able to interact and modify our material you will need to install python, numpy, sympy, matplotlib and jupyter notebook. They all come together in a bundle by Anaconda.

Here are the key steps to interact with our material and modify them:

summary of the steps: (see details below.)

  • Install Anaconda
  • Download our material from GitHub
  • Use jupyter-notebook to open our *.ipynb files

Install Anaconda

Download our material from GitHub

You can download it in the form of a zip file containing the latest release version either as a guest.

However, note that if you sign up on GitHub, you can, in addition to downloading the latest version of our material as a zip file, you will be able to:

Download as a zip file, using just your browser:

  • click the green button “Clone or download”
  • choose “Download ZIP”

Start Jupyter notebook

Place the downloaded files inside some of these folders, e.g. inside My documents\PyTherm\GITSYNC. (note that we recommend the directory name Pytherm to identify the project and the subdirectory name GITSYNC to identify that those are the files downloaded from github and that you might want to synchronize with the official repository when someone contributes with new stuff.)


open the *.ipynb file you want to read in jupyter-notebook on your browser

*.ipynb stands for ipython notebook, that is a file containing a mix of python code and descriptive text, that runs on the ipython kernel, that in turn, you can run on jupyter nortebook.